GitHub + Hack Club

Start A Hack Club,
Get $100 in Free Pizza

GitHub is providing $100 pizza grants to 500 Hack Clubs. You're not too late!
Start A ClubGet Your Pizza

Create A Space for Makers

Hack Club is a place for technical teens to get together and build projects together. Create a club at your high school and help others discover the joy of coding through building projects.
teens collaborating on tech products

Join A Community of Teen Hackers

In our Slack community of over 25,000 hackers, you'll be invited to a space for Hack Club leaders to ask questions & chat, share projects, & attend events.Join The Slack

Tools & Perks To Lead Your Club

As a club leader, you'll get to use community projects like Sprig & Jams in your Hack Club! Your Club will also get free access to Zoom Pro & Figma Pro.Discover Toolbox

Lead Weekly Club Meetings

Every week you can craft club meetings to help makers at your school discover the joy of coding. Get inspired by some Jams we built to help you lead your club. Explore Jams

Pizzas & Clubs by Leaders


Get Your Pizza

1. Start Your Club
Every Hack Club starts with a teenager like you who wants to bring an amazing community to their high school.teen club of coders
Start A Club
2. Draw A Pizza
Join #pizza-party on the Hack Club Slack & draw a Pixel Pizzapixel editor gif
Join The Slack
3.Order Pizza
Receive a Pizza Grant through HCB & use your HCB Virtual Card to order pizzasHCB Card
p.s. if you already lead a club, you can still get pizza! draw a pizza in#pizza-party
Need help getting your Pizza Grant? Email